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Are you planning to buy a new home? Or is your current mortgage too high thanks to the slumping economy? Do you need to refinance or take on a second mortgage to complete work on your home? No matter what reason you have for seeking a mortgage, this article has what you need to know.

Work with your bank to become pre-approved. Pre-approval helps give you an understanding of how much home you can really afford. It'll keep you from wasting time looking at houses that are simply outside of your range. It'll also protect you from overspending and putting yourself in a position where foreclosure could be in your future.

Consider unexpected expenses when you decide on the monthly mortgage payment that you can afford. It is not always a good idea to borrow the maximum that the lender will allow if your payment will stretch your budget to the limit and unexpected bills would leave you unable to make your payment.

Get pre-approved for a home mortgage before shopping for a new house. Nothing is worse than finding the perfect house, only to find out that you can't get approved for a mortgage. By getting pre-approved, you know exactly how much you can afford. Additionally, your offer will be more attractive to a seller.

When you decide to apply for a mortgage, make sure you shop around. Before deciding on the best option for you, get estimates from three different mortgage brokers and banks. Although, interest rates are important, there are other things you should consider also such as closing costs, points and types of loans.

Find out how much your mortgage broker will be making off of the transaction. Many times mortgage broker commissions are negotiable just like real estate agent commissions are negotiable. Get this information and writing and take the time to look over the fee schedule to ensure the items listed are correct.

Once you have chosen the right loan for your needs and begun the application process, make sure to get all of the required paperwork in quickly. Ask for deadlines in writing from you lender and submit your financial information on time. Not submitting your paperwork on time may mean the loss of a good interest rate.

Don't apply for new credit and don't cancel existing credit cards in the six months before applying for a mortgage loan. Mortgage brokers are looking for consistency. Any time you apply for credit, it goes on your credit report. Avoid charging a large amount during that time and make every payment on time.

If you can afford the higher payments, go for a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year mortgage. In the first few years of a 30-year loan, your payment is mainly applied to the interest payments. Very little goes toward your equity. In a 15-year loan, you build up your equity much faster.

Pay off your mortgage sooner by scheduling bi-weekly payments instead of monthly payments. You will end up making several extra payments per year and decrease the amount you pay in interest over the life of the loan. This bi-weekly payment can be automatically deducted from your bank account to make it easy and convenient.

If you have previously been a renter where maintenance was included in the rent, remember to include it in your budget calculations as a homeowner. A good rule of thumb is to dedicate one, two or even three perecent of the home's market value annually towards maintenance. This should be enough to keep the home up over time.

Many computers have built in programs that will calculate payments and interest for a loan. Use the program to determine how much total interest your mortgage rate will cost, and also compare the cost for loans with different terms. You may choose a shorter term loan when you realize how much interest you could save.

Never sign home mortgage paperwork that has blank spaces. Also, make sure you initial each page after you read it. This ensures that terms cannot be added after you sign. Unscrupulous lenders may be inclined to add pages to your contract which you did not read, and this protects you from this practice.

Never sign home mortgage paperwork that has blank spaces. Also, make sure you initial each page after you read it. This ensures that terms cannot be added after you sign. Unscrupulous lenders may be inclined to add pages to your contract which you did not read, and this protects you from this practice.

Be honest when it comes to reporting your financials to a potential lender. Chances are the truth will come out during their vetting process anyway, so it's not worth wasting the time. And if your mortgage does go through anyway, you'll be stuck with a home you really can't afford. It's a lose/lose either way.

Pay your mortgage down faster to free up money for the future. Pay a little extra each month when you have some extra savings. When you pay the extra each month, make sure to let the bank know the over-payment is for the principal. You do not want them to put it towards the interest.


If you need to make repairs to your home you may want to consider a second home mortgage. As long as you have a good history of paying on time you should be able to get a great rate, and by improving your home you are increasing its value. Just be sure that you will be able to make the payments.

By using online comparison sites, you can get your own mortgage without the help of a mortgage broker. They're paid based on what you buy in to, so the worse it is for you and the better for the lender, the more they are paid. They're not out for your best interest, so do it on your own.

Do a great deal of research about home mortgages before you get involved in buying a home. There is a lot to be known, and the more that you know the better the chances are that you will be treated fairly. Remember, knowledge is power, and you want to have some power in this process.

When it comes to mortgages, knowing all you can about the process helps you get it done right. These great tips from experts and your peers alike will ensure that you have no problems down the road. Take your time as you seek out your options and choose between them, but then take the plunge.